Print Story: Documents: White House Knew About Levees on Yahoo! News Print Story: Documents: White House Knew About Levees on Yahoo! News: "y LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press Writer 13 minutes ago
The earliest official report of a New Orleans levee breach came at 8:30 a.m., hours after Hurricane Katrina roared ashore. Word of the possible breach surfaced at the White House less than three hours later, at 11:13 a.m.
In all, 28 federal, state and local agencies reported levee failures on Aug. 29, according to a timeline of e-mails, situation updates and weather reports — a litany at odds with the Bush administration's contention that it didn't know the extent of the problem until much later. At the time, President Bush said, 'I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.'
After the levees gave way, thousands of people were left stranded on rooftops and hundreds died of the flooding and its aftermath.
Democrats say the new documents raise questions about whether the government moved quickly enough to rescue storm victims from massive flooding."