Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Blanco takes on Bush

NOLA.com: Times-Picayune Updates
In what was widely seen as the sharpest speech of her beleaugured political career since Hurricane Katrina, Blanco admonished President Bush for dodging Louisiana’s requests for aid while announcing an ultimatum to the federal government to give Louisiana a larger share of oil and gas royalites from offshore drilling or face a roadblock to future exploration in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. “If no effort is made to guarantee our fair share of royalties, I have warned the federal government that we will be forced to block the August sale of offshore oil and gas leases,” Blanco said. “It’s time to play hardball, as I believe that’s the only game Washington understands.”

Louisiana deserves its fair share of those royalties, and it's great that Blanco has the guts to go after them. Blagueur wishes her luck.

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