Thursday, July 20, 2006

More on the Senate action on the corpse

New Orleans CityBusiness -- The Business Newspaper of Metropolitan New Orleans: "WASHINGTON (AP) -
The Senate voted Wednesday to require the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to submit flood control projects for review by an outside panel after senators cited New Orleans levees as a tragic example of agency shortcomings.

The Corps historically has operated with little oversight except from a small number of lawmakers who control its budget, allowing wasteful spending and a failure to focus on projects posing the greatest flooding risks.

Critics said the levee breaks in New Orleans demonstrated the need for reforming the agency that is responsible for flood control on thousands of miles of inland waterways and protection of coastal areas from hurricane and other storm flooding.

'We want to bring the agency back on track,' said Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., citing a string of reports over the years that he said showed 'a pattern of stunning flaws' in the Corps' planning and priorities when it came to flood control."
Louisiana owes a real debt to McCain and Feingold.

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