Thursday, May 25, 2006

T20 miles of levees, and how many have been fixed?

Team pushes for levee system overhaul:
"From the White House and Congress to local governments in storm-ravaged southern Louisiana, the Independent Levee Investigation Team called for a sea change in standards, practices and attitudes that it says is necessary if levees in New Orleans and elsewhere are to be safe enough to protect homes and residents.

'I myself, personally, wouldn't purchase property and move into New Orleans if the intent of the nation, the state and the locals is to keep doing things the same way,' team leader Ray Seed, a geotechnical engineer from the University of California-Berkeley, said at a New Orleans town hall meeting Monday.

'We've got to dig a whole lot deeper to be safe next time. We've got to be 1,000 times safer than we were when Katrina arrived . . . and that will take political will.'"

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