"He'd rather pay a prostitute than pay auto workers."
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Helluva campaign slogan.
Vitter. Unbelievably callous. Or unbelievably stupid.
Vitter: "Let me be clear, I' m not trying to block this package in spite of job losses that would occur if these companies went down, I'm trying to block this package because of that."
It's hard to believe, but he actually says that at about 1:09 in the video. Has to be seen to be believed.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Ass backwards? I thought that was the way he liked it.
Sen. David Vitter, R-La., promised to filibuster the measure, which could delay a final vote for days.
He said the package has an "ass-backwards" approach to curing what ails the U.S. auto industry -- giving carmakers money immediately, and only later demanding that they restructure.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Louisiana . . . hack-koff
Louisiana has displaced Mississippi as the unhealthiest U.S. state and other Southern states were close rivals due to high obesity and smoking rates in new rankings that deemed Vermont the healthiest.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Enhanced interrogation techniques = sadism.
Official American Sadism - The New York Review of Books
"Why was Mohammed Jawad tortured?" Major Frakt asked. "Why did military officials choose a teenage boy who had attempted suicide in his cell less than five months earlier to be the subject of this sadistic sleep deprivation experiment?" Officers at Guantánamo said they did not believe he had any valuable intelligence information, and he was not even questioned during the "frequent flyer program." "The most likely scenario," Major Frakt said, "is that they simply decided to torture Mr. Jawad for sport, to teach him a lesson, perhaps to make an example of him to others."
Let the finger pointing begin. Oh, it's already begun?
That's it. Not much of a chance for the post-season left now. Even if the Saints could win the rest of their games this season - they won't - it probably wouldn't be enough for a playoff spot. Let's all be completely honest with eachother...this is the Saints. What reason would we have for thinking they could put together a bunch of wins. They have been inconsistent all season. Two seasons actually and nothing leads me to believe it will be any different for a while.
A great idea, pay down debt now.
State leaders should consider using more than two-thirds of the budget surplus to help pay off Louisiana’s $10 billion retirement debt, leaders of two retirement groups said Monday.
Without drastic action, they said, the state’s retirement obligation soon will start gobbling up a huge part of the budget and cripple aid for schools, roads and bridges and other services.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
when will Jindal be president?
Meanwhile, others around the country were talking him up. No less an aspiring kingmaker than Steve Schmidt, the chief strategist of McCain's failed presidential bid, sees Jindal as the Republican Party's destiny. "The question is not whether he'll be president, but when he'll be president, because he will be elected someday." The anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist believes, too, that Jindal is a certainty to occupy the White House, and conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh has described him as "the next Ronald Reagan."GOP hastily creates new Emperor's clothes.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
On Jindal's aspirations
It's that time again; Bobby Jindal kicks off the speech season -- in Iowa
Hard to believe this much time has passed already since the 2008 presidential election. But here we are only 37 months away from the Iowa caucuses.
And only 32 months till the Ames Straw Poll.
And here goes Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal speaking at a fundraiser for the Iowa Family Policy Center (you remember them) at that familiar Sheraton Hotel in West Des Moines.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Jindal exaggerating achievements
'Sorry, Guv ...'
Gov. Bobby Jindal's bragging about the state's new ethics laws drew a friendly rebuke last week from the Center for Public Integrity. .... After Jindal recently repeated the claim on national television, the organization responded on its Web site in a statement under the headline: "Governor Bobby Jindal Spins the Center's Work." It stated: "The center has never said that Louisiana ethics law is 'on top of the list.' It's good -- don't get us wrong -- but, sorry, Guv, we can't give you the top ranking. . . . We just hope you can settle for being one of the best, just not necessarily the very, very best."
. . . .Talking to Greta Van Susteren, of Fox News, last week, Gov. Bobby Jindal said his administration had "cut spending in our state by 12 percent. We cut the number of government jobs by 1,000. We've actually cut taxes six times. . . . We did the largest income tax cut in our state's history." The governor did not tell the national viewers that the fiscal 2008-09 budget he signed earlier this year is smaller than the previous year's budget only because the state is receiving less federal money for hurricane recovery. Discounting federal money, Jindal actually approved state general fund spending -- money generated by state taxes, fees and royalties -- that is $1 billion, or about 12 percent, higher than in former Gov. Kathleen Blanco's last budget. The 1,000 jobs were posts that Blanco's last budget had authorized but that had not been filled. The "largest income tax cut" Jindal referenced was the Legislature's repeal of the Stelly Tax Plan remnants. Jindal's administration initially opposed the repeal plan, which was pushed by state Sen. B.L. "Buddy" Shaw, R-Shreveport, before supporting it.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A truly fearless man.
2theadvocate.com | News | Priest says he’ll stand firm on beliefs — Baton Rouge, LA
LUTCHER — A priest from Lutcher says he does not intend to waver in his support of allowing women to become priests despite the threat of excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church.
“Who are we, as men, to say our calls are valid but tell women their callings are not,” the Rev. Roy Bourgeois said Wednesday.
“The call comes from God, not from the pope or from the Vatican. … I truly believe God is calling us to reform our church.”
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Dems could get one more senator.
The elections division still has over 10,000 ballots left to count today and thousands more through next week, but the latest numbers show Mark Begich leading Sen. Ted Stevens 125,019 to 125,016.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Why Jindal turned McCain down.
While the official reason that Jindal took his name out of contention was his lack of a desire to leave the Louisiana governorship, there was also real trepidation within his political inner circle that Jindal might wind up as the pick -- McCain was attracted to his comprehensive health-care knowledge -- and be caught up in what they believed to be a less-than-stellar campaign that could pin a loss on Jindal without much ability to change or control the direction of the contest.
We have said for months -- keep an eye on Jindal. He is a comer.
More on Jindal for President.
Jindal’s trip to Iowa is to address the Iowa Family Policy Center as keynote speaker for their banquet. Not coincidentally, Iowa is the state with the first caucus of the presidential election cycle.
"Iowa is the first stand, so he has to branch out, make connections among several county chairs, state party leaders and Iowa is the first place to do so," said Brian Brox, a Tulane political science professor.
Click on the link to see the invitation and picture of Jindal. $5K for a "private reception" and $1.5k for a "photo opportunity."
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Vitter raised $200k for madam defense
The Louisiana Republican raised $200,010 through 27 contributors, many who gave the maximum $10,000, in less than a month, according to documents requested and obtained by The News-Star from Vitter's office.
Among the 27 contributors are well-known political and business figures like Donald "Boysie" Bollinger of Bollinger Shipyards; John Georges of Imperial Trading Co., who ran unsuccessfully for governor last year; Gary Chouest, a shipbuilder and part owner of the New Orleans Hornets; and New Orleans banker and real estate mogul Joseph Canizaro.
Seven members of the Chouest family combined to contribute $40,000. All 27 contributors are from Louisiana.
Vitter became involved in the case in July 2007 when his telephone number was found within a list of numbers kept by Deborah Jane Palfrey, who was convicted in federal court on racketeering charges in April. She committed suicide shortly afterward.
Speculation about Jindal from the Washington Post
Bobby Jindal: As the electoral map turned against McCain tonight, there was one name on the lips of dispirited GOP strategists: Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana. Jindal, elected in 2007 on a reform platform, is almost certain to become one of the fresh young faces (he is 37 years old and Indian American) a Republican party that finds itself deep in the wilderness will turn to in the coming months. Will Jindal run for president? It's too early to tell but he almost certainly will be a major player if he does decide to get into the race in 2012.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Detailed analysis of Louisiana voter trends.
Though Barack Obama will not win in Louisiana, his candidacy has galvanized new African-American registration, which will help Senator Mary Landrieu and Representative Don Cazayoux get re-elected while helping Paul Carmouche and Don Cravins pick up seats in Northeast Louisiana and southwest Louisiana. Should they all win, we will have a 5-2 margin in the Louisiana Congressional delegation.
Louisiana Early Voting
2008 Early Voting
Total Early Votes
White 60.8%
Black 36.3%
Other 2.9%
2008 Early Vote / 2004 Total Vote
2004 / %Early (Ass. Press)
1,956,590 6.5%
Last Updated
(In-person early voting period ended 10/28)
OBAMA: 40%
The poll shows 93% of African American voters in Louisiana have a favorable opinion of Obama. "93% is almost total. It's unbelievable," Renwick said. "It's one of the highest percentages I've ever seen." The poll also took a look at what Louisiana voters think of Governor Bobby Jindal. 66% of voters surveyed say they have a favorable opinion of Jindal. That number jumped to 76% among Baton Rouge voters. "That's where the government is located and where he lives and works, which is even more complimentary towards him," Renwick said.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Jindal campaigning for Republican to take Delay's seat from Dem.
Carrying the united Republican banner is Pete Olson, a Navy veteran, native of Houston and former chief of staff to former Texas Senator Phil Gramm and current Texas Senator John Cornyn. Republican heavyweights including President George W. Bush, Gov. Mitt Romney and popular conservative Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal have stood shoulder to shoulder with Olson at campaign appearances and fundraisers as he rails against Lampson as a closet liberal out of step with the district's conservative voters.
More (uninformed) speculation about Jindal from The New Republic.
Now, yes, four years is a longer time in politics than it used to be. But I still don't see these toxins leaching out that quickly, particularly from a GOP that will, in all likelihood, continue trying to raise subliminal doubts about Obama's Americanness. Add to this the blunt fact that the GOP probably can't afford to lose racist white voters, especially in the South (you think a Jindal - Obama race wouldn't invite a conservative, white, third-party candidacy?), and I think Jindal's chance of being the nominee in 2012 is, despite his obvious talents, pretty close to nil. The GOP isn't going to be looking for its own Obama; it's going to be looking for an anti-Obama.
--Christopher Orr
Jindal best republican hope.
Amidst speculation as to what road the Republican Party will take after the election, the Online100 believes that, outside of John McCain and Sarah Palin, 37 year old Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal is most likely to emerge as the GOP's brightest star.
A convincing 54% of the panel see Governor Jindall in this light. The figure breaks down as 30% of the left, 42% of the right, and 29% of non-aligned panelists.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I did not know this. Limbaugh + Jindal = Reagan
Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh has called Jindal "the next Ronald Reagan." Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich met with Jindal last week and told reporters after the visit, "I think you have maybe the smartest governor in this country."
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Louisiana's voting machines are "easy to hack"
Study: Sequoia e-voting machines disturbingly easy to hack
The Princeton University Center for Information Technology Policy has published a report disclosing security vulnerabilities that researchers have detected in Sequoia's AVC Advantage voting machine. According to the researchers, the machine can be completely compromised by replacing a single ROM chip—a task that they were able to complete in only seven minutes.
From Bradblog:
The 158-page report [PDF] was released publicly on Friday afternoon warning, among other things, that:
* The lost votes during New Jersey's Super Tuesday elections "were caused by two different programming errors on the part of Sequoia"
* "New Jersey should not use any version of the AVC Advantage that it has not actually examined with the assistance of skilled computer-security experts."
* "The AVC Advantage’s susceptibility to installation of a fraudulent vote-counting program is far more than an imperfection: it is a fatal flaw."
* "The AVC Advantage is too insecure to use in New Jersey."
Caution: Make sure your vote counts. Read this article before you vote!
This is just getting worse and worse. Now it's happening in Texas. (And in MO, if you read to the end of the article). And the vaunted "thousands of attorneys" from the Obama campaign and the DNC are still nowhere to be found.
With every incident so far reported of touch-screen vote-flipping during early voting in this year's general election --- from county to county in WV and in Nashville, TN) --- it's been the ES&S iVotronic touch-screen machine that has failed, flipping votes from one candidate to another not chosen by the voter. In most every instances [see update below], it's been an attempted Democratic vote, flipped to a Republican, or another party.
. . . . . .
- Call poll supervisors to observe the problem
- Fill out a problem report
- Refuse to vote on that machine
- Request that the machine be taken out of service
- Get a serial number of the machine if possible (may be unlikely in many cases)
- Tell other voters not to vote on that machine
- Call county/town election office
- Call local reporters
- Call voter problem hotlines (eg. 866-MYVOTE1 and 866-OUR-VOTE)
- Contact bloggers and Election Integrity websites.
- Raise holy hell.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Jindal's opportunity if McCain loses.
Make no mistake: If John McCain goes down to defeat in 13 days time and Republicans in the House and the Senate face significant setbacks as well, there will be a real desire from the grassroots of the Republican party for fresh faces on the national scene.
Jindal -- a young (he's 37), conservative Indian American governor -- is almost certain to feature prominently in that conversation. And, as much as his political team pooh poohs the idea that he would be interested in national office in four years' time, consider these two things: he has already gotten a taste of the national limelight by his consideration in the veepstakes and his handling of Hurricane Gustav, AND he is visiting Iowa next month. (As we have written before, politicians NEVER -- we can't stress this enough -- go to Iowa accidentally. They know exactly what a trip to Iowa means.
That's some expensive church service.
A devout Roman Catholic taking a helicopter to attend Sunday morning services at a Baptist church nearly 200 miles from his house followed by lunch with “local officials” at a shooting range—sounds like a politician on his campaign trail.
Except for the fact that campaign money isn’t flying the helicopter. Rather, it’s more than $180,000 in taxpayer money fueling in-state trips like these for Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. That’s the total cost of Jindal’s travel itinerary in State Police helicopters from January 2007 until Sept. 1, 2008, according to a report in the Baton Rouge Advocate.
Romney: Jindal to run for president?
Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney predicted Thursday that Gov. Bobby Jindal will consider a 2012 run for the White House if John McCain loses on Nov. 4.
“Bobby Jindal will certainly be taking a look at it,” Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, said on WWL-Radio.
Jindal denied Thursday afternoon that he is mounting a presidential campaign despite multiple fundraising trips outside the state and an upcoming visit to Iowa.
“I am not running for the White House in 2012,” Jindal said.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Back in .
Republicans Reverse Course in Lousiana
Rothenberg Political Report: The NRSC "has reversed an earlier decision to cancel its last two weeks of advertising in Louisiana. Instead, it has purchased TV time next week and will wait to decide whether to buy the final week before Election Day. The decision comes on the heels of GOP polling showing that Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) has only a mid-single digit lead over challenger John Kennedy (R)."
FiveThirtyEight.com still has Landrieu as a 99% favorite.
Hmmmm . . . .
The 2012 Race Begins
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) "will keynote a high-profile Christian conservative fundraising dinner next month in Iowa," according to Jonathan Martin.
"It will be Jindal's first visit to Iowa... The trip is a reminder that, even with a presidential election looming, caucus politics is never far away in the Hawkeye State.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
GOP concedes LA senate race.
GOP Pulls Ads in Louisiana Senate Race
The NRSC "has decided to pull its television advertising out of Louisiana, a decision that drastically reduces the party's chances at its lone takeover opportunity in this election cycle," according to The Fix.
"The decision to stop advertising in the race against Landrieu reflects a recognition by the NRSC of the stark financial reality it faces in the fall campaign. The Republican committee has been consistently outraised by its Democratic counterpart and, as the political environment has worsened for the GOP in recent weeks, several Republican senators that appeared safe -- Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) to name two -- have suddenly appeared more vulnerable."
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I have a COLD!!!!
I stole Drudge's siren.
FiveThirtyEight.com: Electoral Projections Done Right: Obama Pulls Ahead in Electoral College Projection
Obama Pulls Ahead in Electoral College Projection
Charts and graphs are updated. Full polling report coming within the hour.
-- Nate Silver at 4:48 PM
Great site for political poll junkies. BTW this site has Landrieu a lock for re-election.
Update: New source for siren!!! It's back!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I knew Ville Platte was suspicious of strangers, but this really sucks.
National Guardsmen returned fire after being shot at early Wednesday while protecting tractor-trailers filled with hurricane-relief supplies in Ville Platte, according to the Louisiana National Guard.
Soldiers from the Missouri National Guard who traveled to assist in hurricane relief were guarding three tractor-trailers on West Lincoln Street in the city when they are believed to have come under fire about 1 a.m. Wednesday, National Guard spokesman Rick Breitenfeldt said.
Breitenfeldt said the soldiers reported hearing small-arms gunfire and seeing flashes and impacts in ground water.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
It was luck, not levees that spared us this time.
``Gustav was not a major hurricane,'' said Stephen P. Leatherman, director of the International Hurricane Research Center and Laboratory for Coastal Research at Florida International University in Miami. ``The levees that broke last time,'' including some off Lake Pontchartrain, ``were not truly tested this time.''
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Earliest return: Thursday Morning.
ORLEANS: New Orleans residents should not expect to return to their homes until Thursday morning at the soonest, a spokeswoman for Mayor Ray Nagin said Tuesday morning. With an estimated 77,000 Entergy customers blacked out across the city and hospitals still operating below capacity, Ceeon Quiett said New Orleans is not ready to welcome home as many as 300,000 residents who evacuated in advance of Hurricane Gustav.
It's going to cost millions for evacuees to stay out another two nights. I'm not sure this is the best way to handle things.
Good news -- I'd like to see pictures.
It was the maiden run for massive flood gates and temporary stations the Army Corps of Engineers built after Hurricane Katrina breached floodwalls on both canals and caused catastrophic flooding.
At 17th Street, along the border of New Orleans and East Jefferson, the temporary corps pump stations are continuing this morning to help the New Orleans Sewerage & Water Board drain the canal of rainwater.
At London Avenue, the gates are still closed, but the corps pumps are no longer running because there's no excess water in the canal, said Col. Jeff Bedey, the corps Hurricane Protection Office chief who had responsibility for building the stations and gates on all three outfall canals, including the Orleans Avenue Canal.
"The pumps ran all night long," Bedey said Tuesday morning. "But the lake is still at 4 (feet), so the structures remain in place."
Col. Al Lee, corps district chief in New Orleans with responsibility for operating the gates and pumps, told his bosses that the emergency structures functioned at a high level.
"All the pumps worked. All the gates locked in place. All of it worked," Lee said.
Good news, but this was a comparatively mild storm, will they be enough next time?
Monday, September 01, 2008
Fiddling while New Orleans drowns. Again.
Damning story from ABC tonight (read a shortened transcript here) about GOP parties in Minneapolis while the south drowns. Watch this video. It's completely over the top. One party took place only hours after McCain said most events, other than the most essential, would be shut down today. The party featured a band called "Hookers and Blow" (blow is cocaine), and the guests included the House GOP deputy whip Congressman Bill Schuster (R-PA). Watch this, then send the link to your friends:
Palin thinks the founding fathers wrote the Pledge of Allegiance.
11. Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?
JB: No.
SP: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Palin and her husband have five children, Bristol, Piper, Track, Willow, and Trig.
Names of people? Really?
Board members accuse governor of interference with LSU
“Then on Monday I found out there was a coup under way,” Kimble said, noting “extreme pressure” exerted on some board members to support George, specifically coming from Jindal Chief of Staff Timmy Teepell.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Don't let your guard down.
The latest storm track has Gustav sitting just off the Louisiana coast come Monday morning. It may be cat 5 by then, too. Gov. Jindal says that evacuations could begin as early as Friday.
Batteries, water, flashlights, gas in the car, -- and where are those important papers?
Go to Golden Triangle Weather for great hurricane information.
Best political coverage? Jon Stewart as usual.
Later on CNN Susanne Malveaux gave a crybaby Democrat at least ten minutes to snivel about how Hillary was "Presidential" and had "experience," and we had lost an opportunity, and she wasn't sure she could vote for Obama. Malveaux apparently sought out the only person in the hall who had missed Clinton's speech, when she said, essentially, "Don't vote for me, vote for the cause."
Hillary's right-- a vote for Obama is a vote to end the war, to fight for health care, to raise the minimum wage, to keep the Supreme Court from becoming totally crazy right-wing.
Points to Jindal for this.
Gov. Bobby Jindal on Monday announced plans to divert $10 million to help pay monthly electric bills for some low-income customers, according to a news release by the governor’s office.
Or is this just a scheme to take pressure off of the energy companies? Too cynical, right?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Landrieu leads 53-37
Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a presidential election.
Senator Mary Landrieu, once viewed as the most vulnerable Democratic incumbent this election year, has opened a significant lead over Republican challenger John Kennedy in her bid for re-election.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state shows the Louisiana Democrat attracts 53% of the vote while the Republican hopeful earns just 37% support. A month ago, Landrieu was leading Kennedy by only five percentage points, 49% to 44%.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Saints fans rejoice.
Superdome commission chairman Ron Forman says the Saints are happy with the support they're getting at the Dome, and they could have big news soon.
"There's a realistic goal by the end of this year, before the end of this football season, to hopefully lock up a long-term agreement with the Saints," Forman said.
But how much money will the state have to give up?
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Jindal at a loss for words. Mirabile dictu!
This morning on NBC’s Meet the Press, host David Gregory asserted that the Republican Party “used to be the party of big ideas.” Gregory then asked his guest Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA), “What’s the big idea Senator McCain is campaigning on?” Jindal responded, “I think there’s several,” but couldn’t provide an answer. Gregory asked again, “Where are the new big ideas of the Republican Party that John McCain is, is championing?” And again Jindal couldn’t provide an answer.
This is the second time a McCain supporter has been stumped. Is Jindal still a genius?
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Lafayette to the Olympics?
It's just too bad thatLafayette's Jeff and Leigh Hennessy are not mentioned in this article, since Coach Hennessy established a virtual trampoline dynasty in the 60s through the 80s. His accomplishments in gymnastics and trampolining are many and he is one of the premier figures who made trampolining an Olympic sport. For a number of years, Lafayette was the center of the trampolining world.
Jeff's Official Page
Leigh's Official Page
Monday, August 04, 2008
Walmart: China workers free to unionize; US workers not so much.
The first Wal-Mart trade union in China was formed after the company bowed to government demands for organized labor in its stores, The New York Times reported Friday.
Wal-Mart's reluctance to allow unions, particularly in the United States where they remain banned from stores, has been a point of controversy for many years. But the government-controlled All-China Federation of Trade Unions fought for the right to create branches in the company's 60 outlets.
Sure those commie Red Chinese are trying to . . . um . . . destroy freedom by giving their workers . . . um . . . forget it.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Vitter: Welfare recipients should be drug tested
U.S. Sen. David Vitter introduced the Drug Free Families Act this week, which would require that welfare recipients undergo drug testing to determine their eligibility to receive, or continue to receive, benefits.
Vitter’s bill would require that states forfeit Temporary Assistance to Needy Families funding unless they implement a drug testing and treatment program for TANF recipients.
CQ: Boustany's seat no longer "Safe Republican"
The recent entry of a politically experienced challenger, Democratic state Sen. Don Cravins Jr., has created the possibility of an unexpectedly competitive race this fall for two-term Louisiana Republican Rep. Charles Boustany Jr.
This development — and the announcement Friday by national Democratic officials that they have listed Cravins as one of their top challenger candidates this year — has prompted CQ Politics to change its rating on the race in southwestern Louisiana’s 7th District to Republican Favored, from the former category of Safe Republican.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Congratulations to the Times Picayune.
This op-ed by Mark Fitzgerals compares the Picaune's crime series with the Washington Post's series on the murder of Chandra Levy.
The Post takes on an old and singular case with an atypical victim of D.C. street crime.
Homicide 37, on the other hand, is about a young black youth all too typical of those dying violently right now in New Orleans. And its story is emblematic of all that besets a city that's rebounding in restaurants and restorations -- but struggling to contain a crime wave with overworked cops, scared-to-death witnesses, and so few resources that the New Orleans Police Department doesn't even have its own machine to make photo lineups.
But the most striking contrast is in the storytelling and packaging.
The Post follows the usual newspaper playbook for an Important Story -- go long. The series kicks off with 1,700 words, and by the tenth chapter, with two to go, the article still crams in 1,600 words.
But the Times-Pic took a different strategy with the story by McCarthy.
Installments run to about 700 words, and McCarthy has the page-turning writing style of a latter-day Raymond Chandler.
More from the IND on Melancon vs. Vitter.
Many Democrats feel Melancon is their perfect candidate against a seriously weakened Vitter. Right out of the blocks, he could cut deeply into a key demographic that helped put Vitter over the top in 2004 — Cajuns. In a head-to-head match-up, Melancon wouldn’t even be a philosophical stretch for most Acadians; his moderate-to-conservative credentials make him an easy vote in his home base — and the Democratic party label will give him all the help he needs against Vitter in urban precincts, particularly the New Orleans area. Against Vitter, he would even appeal to suburban moderates.
Jindal: Nonpartisan? You're kidding, right?
When Jindal first was elected Governor, he openly said that he wanted to be the Governor of all of the people of Louisiana. His recent national foray into the partisanship is the inapposite of his previous promise. He is Governor of Louisiana, not a talking head speaking about Iraq. In fact, the last I checked, Louisiana does not have an official policy regarding Iraq which he admitted recently on national television.
Also, having a private luncheon with Republicans is not exactly sitting down with the entire delegation and discussing in a give and take to see what gives and what it will take to move this state forward.
FEMA: Dog ate my homework.
Top officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offered a report that deferred most of the responsibility for post-disaster housing and plans to a ghost entity.Sounds like pure nonsense to me.
“FEMA was instructed by a law Congress passed and was signed by the President to make and implement a plan for housing disaster victims,” Landrieu said today at a hearing of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Disaster Recovery Subcommittee. The committee has been conducting an investigation into FEMA’s failed housing strategy in response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. “But instead, FEMA has just passed the responsibilities under its jurisdiction off to an unformed body. I’m trying to figure out why these pages are blank.”
Under questioning from Landrieu about the seven blank pages in the Disaster Housing Strategy that were called “Under Development,” Deputy Administrator Harvey E. Johnson responded, “The strategy is in fact a strategy. It’s a precursor to a plan.”
“Precursor to a plan,” sounds an awful lot like the “dog ate my homework,”
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Is this significant?
State Sen Don Cravins Jr. will be endorsed today by a group of conservative congressional Democrats known as the "Blue Dogs."
The group of 47 House Democrats grew in numbers and influence after the 2006 elections and are lilkely to help raise money for Cravins, who is challenging Republican Rep. Charles Boustany of Lafayette.Currently, Rep. Charles Melancon, D-Napoleonville, is the only member of the Blue Dog Coalition.
I suppose this could really help Cravins' fundraising. Is that correct?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Glad I chose tile instead.
A physics professor at Rice University is warning of a radioactive threat found in some kitchen countertops.
Some granite countertops contain levels of uranium high enough to be dangerous to humans, said Rice professor W.J. Llope.
Read the first comment by HealthPhysicist for some perspective before taking a sledge hammer to your countertop.
a tale of two senators--Vitter votes against Road Home relief.
Under the new measure, Road Home recipients claiming the deduction can go back and redo their 2005 taxes and repay the savings they received in order to get the full benefit of the Road Home grants.
“The Senate today sent the president a bill with one of the most significant provisions to jumpstarting our recovery since hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005,” U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., said in a statement after the vote.
“Our homeowners will now get the tax relief they need to reinvest in their homes and our communities,” said Landrieu, the author of the provision.
U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., initially co-sponsored the Road Home relief measure, but voted against the $300 billion housing bill because, Vitter said, it aids mortgage lenders that created the current housing crisis.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
If we can't have offshore drilling, then we'll let the speculators set the price of gas.
Senate Republicans blocked action yesterday on legislation proposed by the Democrats to curb speculation in energy markets and reduce record oil prices.
The measure, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, didn't get the 60 votes required to end debate and bring it to a final vote. The tally was 50-43.
Republicans want to be able to debate numerous amendments to the legislation, including expanding offshore drilling for oil and natural gas. Reid, of Nevada, said the Republicans were trying to talk the legislation to death. He proposed limited amendments, with the goal of moving the measure before Congress leaves for its August break.
Somebody please find the logic in this?
John Maginnis on the governor
Yet what really bugs legislators is not the lost projects but the lack of communication from the governor's office. Had legislators known the governor's predisposition against fun they would have addressed other local priorities and not gone home empty-handed. Two sentences of gubernatorial guidelines on funding local government items would have spared 90 percent of the angst. But full clarity, apparently, was not the administration's goal.
As with the funding for non-profit groups, he left enough ambiguity to cloak rewards to allies--such as $550,000 requested for a community organization by Sen. Ann Duplessis, D-New Orleans, who sponsored his top priority education voucher bill--and punishment to dissidents--such as Rep. Neil Abramson, D-New Orleans, who passed a disclosure bill linking the governor's campaign contributors to subsequent job appointments. The governor vetoed that bill and, for good measure, Abramson's amendment of $50,000 to a non-profit group that is actually doing something about homelessness.
What addles legislators is a governor who very selectively plays quid-pro-quo politics when it suits him, but not enough for more than a handful to join the game. That's why he and his top aides don't return phone calls or mix much with politicians outside of very controlled circumstances, usually in which any substantial communication is one way. Legislators rarely want to talk to the governor about what they can do for him; he doesn't have to say no to their entreaties if he can avoid being asked.
FEMA formaldehyde fubar.
"It is well-established that the (government) is only liable in such situations if it supervised and directed day-to-day activities of its contractors, which did not occur in this case," they argued in the court papers.
The government's lawyers also wrote that a review of legislative history left "no doubt" that Congress intended to enact a broad bar against any such claims arising from disaster relief actions.
Tony Buzbee, one of the lead lawyers for the plaintiffs, said FEMA and the trailer manufacturers "worked hand in hand" after the 2005 hurricanes and should share legal liability in the cases. The lawsuits contend FEMA ignored concerns about formaldehyde levels in trailers for months after Katrina.
Vitter targets Indian women.
But the victory is dampened by a poison pill provision slipped in by Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) that explicitly restricts abortions under IHS programs. The amendment was approved along with the bill in February. As In These Times went to press, it was unclear whether the House would vote on companion legislation carrying a similar amendment.
Are LA voters being disenfranchised?
Last week, Project Vote, which is working in two dozen states to register voters in 2008, sent a letter to Dardenne saying his state appeared to be ignoring sections of the NVRA that require that voters be notified by mail over two federal election cycles before being removed. Project Vote's attorney said Louisiana Commissioner of Elections Angie LaPlace was treating apparently duplicate database listings as "cases of suspected fraud or some other irregularity."
Last year, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund sued Louisiana over the purging of registrations of refugees from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Many people who applied for a driver's license in a neighboring state -- to quickly acquire an ID after losing their belongings in the storms -- also were registered to vote without their knowledge, NAACP attorneys said. Those new voter registrations resulted in 21,000 voters being removed from Louisiana voter rolls last August, the group said. While the NAACP suit was dismissed, Project Vote's recent letter suggests the state's voter list maintenance practices have not changed. Project Vote also wrote to the U.S. Department of Justice about the matter, as the agency oversees federal elections in most Southern states as a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Funeral scheduled for unidentified Katrina victims.
For almost three years they have lain in a refrigerated warehouse in New Orleans – unclaimed, unwanted and, in some cases, unidentified.
Only now, as the city prepares to mark the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, are the last of the victims set to be laid to rest in what is expected to be the world’s biggest jazz funeral.
August 29.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Good question --Louisiana's Treasurer Kennedy and Senator Vitter campaigning together?
Louisiana State Treasurer John Kennedy, widely seen as the best Republican hope to beat an incumbent Democratic Senator this year, used a tried and true tactic yesterday when asked about opponent Mary Landrieu's impending fundraiser with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg: Kennedy associated his opponent with the Big Apple chief's more liberal philosophies on the Second Amendment and on social issues.
Still, questioning Landrieu's association with Bloomberg raises an immediate question for Kennedy: If he's a conservative on social issues, will he accept the public assistance of Republican Senator David Vitter?
Asked if he would campaign with Vitter during a conference call yesterday, Kennedy didn't answer directly. "David hasn't offered, and so far I haven't asked," he said. "I don't have plans right now to campaign with anybody." Still, Kennedy said the junior senator had erred. "Senator Vitter made a very serious mistake, and I think he would be the first person to admit that. And David is still paying the price."
What price is that, I wonder.
WSJ puffs Jindal, neglects to mention that he is an exorcist.
Ms. Shukla, and other Hindus, were disappointed that Mr. Jindal abstained from voting on H.R. 747, the "Diwali resolultion" passed in late 2007 while Mr. Jindal was still in Congress that recognized the festival celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs. But Mr. Jindal brushed away any criticisms that he did not pay "enough" attention to ethnic or religious interest groups. "I've always thought that each of us as an individual should make our own decisions," said Mr. Jindal. "I think it is unfortunate that so often in modern society we tend to try to group people by stereotypes and hyphenated identifications." That's a lesson he may soon be taking to a wider audience.
In Shatner voice: "Head exploding. Does. Not. Compute. AAAAARGH!"
It's surprising to me that many Louisiana residents don't know about Jindal's 1994 exorcism experience. In college he participated in an impromptu exorcism of a "friend" after a "minister" refused to exorcise the friend's demons. Here are a few links.
America may or may not be ready for a national political debate about exorcism and Satanic demons.
Time Mgazine
TPM "Exorcism cured cancer."
Weisman on why Jindal isn't right for McCain.
. I also don't believe Bobby Jindal. Too young, undermines what is becoming practically the entire reason for McCain's campaign: experience v naivite [sic].Would I be wrong in interpreting this remark to mean that Weisman thinks Jindal is naive?
Did McCain cancel Louisiana visit because of oil spill?
Crooks and Liars
Recognizing the interest in Barack Obama’s speech in Germany today, the McCain campaign came up with a photo-op that would have captured at least some attention — John McCain would hop on a helicopter and give a speech from an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, off the Louisiana coast. The campaign knows how important oil prices are to voters, so McCain assumed he could fool a few of them into thinking coastal drilling would give them relief at the pump.
But just an hour after the photo-op was finalized and the media was alerted, the event was off. The campaign said the weather just wasn’t cooperating. Jonathan Martin noted, “The campaign declined to comment any further about the quick decision to spike the trip other than to cite the weather.”
Was the weather the real reason for the cancellation? Maybe, or perhaps the McCain gang didn’t want to visit the rig if the reporters on hand might notice the smell of diesel wafting through the French Quarter.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Cravins cash. Can he make a run of it?
BOUSTANY POSTS BIG FUNDRAISING ADVANTAGE OVER CRAVINS Having entered the 7th District Congressional race relatively late, state Sen. Don Cravins Jr. has a lot of catching up to do in the fundraising department. Both Cravins and incumbent Congressman Charles Boustany posted their July quarterly campaign finance reports last week, and Boustany has a significant financial edge. Boustany reported raising $320,812.27 in the period from April 1 to June 30, with a total cash on hand war chest of $669,519.39. Cravins, who only began raising money in the latter part of June, reported raising $107,072.77, with $104,840.35 cash on hand.
Hard to run against an incumbent, but if Cravins keeps raising money at this rate, he could definitely make a splash.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Jindal: "I won't be VP."
One day after it was revealed the presumptive Republican presidential candidate was slated to hold a closed-door meeting with the 37-year old governor, Jindal told Fox News there is no way he will fill the bottom half of the GOP presidential ticket.
CNN's Political Market: Jindal's stock goes down
"I'm not going to be the vice presidential nominee or vice president," Jindal said. "I'm going to help Senator McCain get elected, as governor of Louisiana."
. . . . . . .
GOP sources also tell CNN Jindal is being considered for the keynote address slot at the Republican Convention.
McCain is running for governor of Louisiana? Who'd a thunk?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Crouere: Limbaugh loves Jindal for VP
After noted political columnist Robert Novak reported that McCain would make his VP selection this week, it was learned that the Arizona Senator will visit Louisiana tomorrow to meet with Governor Jindal. It could be a ploy to distract the media from the Obama overseas visit, but more likely it seems to indicate the Arizona Senator’s continuing fascination with Bobby Jindal.
It is clear that there is a bond between John McCain and Bobby Jindal. They seem to have a close personal relationship. McCain personally likes Jindal and is very comfortable with the Governor. All VP selection lists now include Jindal is at the top of the Vice President list. MSNBC is reporting that Jindal has already been vetted by the McCain campaign.
Here is why Jindal is such an interesting choice. Jindal has assets that McCain likes. Namely, he is young, bright and is the darling of the conservative wing of the party. Just ask Rush Limbaugh, Bill Kristol or Newt Gingrich who McCain should choose and they will all respond in unison, Bobby Jindal. All of them credit Jindal will a very impressive star to his term as Governor and point to his potential as a rising star in the conservative movement.
OOOOWEEEE! Yes, Jindal for VP. Mitch Landrieu for governor.
Will Melancon challenge Vitter?
U.S. Sen. David Vitter, a Republican, also has to stand for re-election in two years. The still-fresh revelation of Vitter’s connections to a Beltway prostitution ring run by the late "D.C. Madam" makes him a prime target. [Rep. Charlie] Melancon’s name is frequently mentioned as a viable Democratic challenger.
"I’m a member of the House of Representatives, and I want to get through this election cycle. But I would be lying to you if I didn’t say I’ll be thinking about it later," Melancon said last week. "I plan on sitting down with my family, having a discussion and making a decision sometime in January."
Many Louisiana Democrats feel Melancon is their perfect candidate against a seriously-weakened Vitter. Right out of the blocks, he could cut deeply into a key demographic that helped put Vitter over the top in 2004: Cajuns. Although naturally conservative by nature, given the choice between one of their own and somebody staunchly conservative, Acadian voters typically go with one of their own, according to analysts.
Moredisinfo about oil rig damage from Katrina
[John McCain]A: Keep the microphone. I’m aware that off the coast of Louisiana and Texas there are oil rigs, as we well know, and those rigs have survived, very successfully, the impacts of hurricanes – hurricane Katrina as far as Louisiana is concerned.
McCain is wrong. According to press reports, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita “tore through the Gulf of Mexico’s offshore oil and gas fields, toppling production platforms, setting rigs adrift and rupturing pipelines.” The U.S. Minerals Management Service reported that the hurricanes totally destroyed 113 offshore oil platforms.
Will Melancon challenge Vitter?
U.S. Sen. David Vitter, a Republican, also has to stand for re-election in two years. The still-fresh revelation of Vitter’s connections to a Beltway prostitution ring run by the late "D.C. Madam" makes him a prime target. [Rep. Charlie] Melancon’s name is frequently mentioned as a viable Democratic challenger.
"I’m a member of the House of Representatives, and I want to get through this election cycle. But I would be lying to you if I didn’t say I’ll be thinking about it later," Melancon said last week. "I plan on sitting down with my family, having a discussion and making a decision sometime in January."
Many Louisiana Democrats feel Melancon is their perfect candidate against a seriously-weakened Vitter. Right out of the blocks, he could cut deeply into a key demographic that helped put Vitter over the top in 2004: Cajuns. Although naturally conservative by nature, given the choice between one of their own and somebody staunchly conservative, Acadian voters typically go with one of their own, according to analysts.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Lafayette and Acadiana line-item vetoes by Jindal
But some other areas fared better. Houma, for instance, saw few cuts. See this article ---
Politics? In this pure administration? Perish the thought.
Update: I should have checked before making this list -- the Independent has a good article on the subject.
This is suggestive.

Which would bring oil prices down more?
A. Drilling more offshore and in ANWR?
B. Stopping the slide of the US dollar?
Thanks to Your Right Hand Thief for the link.
Not a drop spilled? Don't believe it.
Wonk Room » McCain Falsely Claims Katrina And Rita Did Not Cause Significant Oil Spillage
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Caused 124 Offshore Spills For A Total Of 743,700 Gallons. 554,400 gallons were crude oil and condensate from platforms, rigs and pipelines, and 189,000 gallons were refined products from platforms and rigs. [MMS, 1/22/07]
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Caused Six Offshore Spills Of 42,000 Gallons Or Greater. The largest of these was 152,250 gallons, well over the 100,000 gallon threshhold considered a “major spill.” [MMS, 5/1/06]
In addition, the hurricanes caused disastrous spills onshore throughout southeast Louisiana and the rest of the Gulf Coast as tanks, pipelines, refineries and other industrial facilities were destroyed, for a total of 595 different oil spills. The 9 million gallons reported spilled were comparable with the Exxon Valdez’s 10.8 million gallons, but unlike the Exxon Valdez, were distributed throughout Louisiana, Mississippi, and other Gulf Coast states, many in residential areas. The most massive spills included:
– The Bass Enterprises Cox Bay spill of 3.78 million gallons of oil, the largest spill caused by the hurricanes
– The Murphy Oil spill in Mereaux, LA of 819,000 gallons of oil, contaminating 1,700 homes and the local high school
As the Houston Chronicle reported in 2005:
The quantity and cumulative magnitude of the 595 spills, which were spread across four states and struck offshore and inland, rank these two hurricanes among the worst environmental disasters in U.S. history.
Right, not a drop --- more like 5 million gallons.
Check out these images from SkyTruth.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Not good for Louisiana's plan to host more hollywood stars.
Saturday in Shreveport, LA actors from Oliver Stone's Bush biopic "W" were arrested around 2 am in what has been billed a bar brawl, and Wednesday night new details about possible repeated tasering, pepper spray and use of racial slurs emerged. If the reports of cell phone video existing are true, the story won't end here.According to this story, the cops acted like thugs, tasering the actors repeatedly and using the "N-word."
Vitter wants to kill bill for AIDS, TB, malaria.
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Millions of lives are at stake today as the Senate prepares to vote on crucial global AIDS, TB and malaria legislation (S. 2731). The debate on the Senate floor is expected to begin this afternoon, and this is the last chance for the bill to be approved this year.
President Bush has publicly called for the passage of the bill, and it enjoys broad support, including from Senators McCain and Obama and from the Catholic Church and other religious groups. But, several Republican Senators are proposing poison-pill amendments that would subvert the bill's intent or even lead to the bill's defeat.
Senator David Vitter (R-LA) plans to use a technicality that would kill the legislation unless it is overcome by 60 votes. He plans to raise a budget point of order, which arises from a provision in the bill which would end a prohibition on HIV-positive persons from permanently entering the U.S. or obtaining legal permanent residency.
Ending the prohibition has a modest cost not covered by the budget resolution, but the bill includes an offset that will balance out any anticipated costs.
"Senator Vitter wants to keep in place a restriction that is antiquated, draconian and discriminatory," said Dr. Paul Zeitz, Executive Director of the Global AIDS Alliance. "Will the Senate opt to maintain this cruel and inhumane restriction? Let's hope not."
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Not good for Louisiana's plan to host more hollywood stars.
Saturday in Shreveport, LA actors from Oliver Stone's Bush biopic "W" were arrested around 2 am in what has been billed a bar brawl, and Wednesday night new details about possible repeated tasering, pepper spray and use of racial slurs emerged. If the reports of cell phone video existing are true, the story won't end here.According to this story, the cops acted like thugs, tasering the actors repeatedly and using the "N-word."
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Vitter -- protecting families again.
This isn't getting much notice but it deserves your attention. The senate is currently debating the reauthorization of PEPFAR, the omnibus AIDS prevention and treatment legislation.
. . . . . .
But apparently two senators -- Sessions of Alabama and Vitter of Louisiana (who of course we know is a serial user of prostitutes, so maybe he should get tested himself) -- have put holds on the legislation. So they need 60 votes to override their objection. The vote may come as soon as today.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Vitter to the rescue . . . of marriage?!?!?
But the funny part is looking over the list of the 10 original sponsors. Most of the names are predictable — Brownback and Inhofe, for example — but there are two others whose names stand out: Sens. David Vitter (R-La.) and Larry Craig (R-Idaho).
Yes, two of the principal sponsors of a constitutional amendment to “protect” marriage include one far-right Republican who hired prostitutes and another far-right Republican who was arrested for soliciting gay sex in an airport men’s room.
As my friend Kyle put it, these two are “not exactly the poster boys of the family values crowd or particularly upstanding examples of the supposed sanctity of the ‘union of a man and a woman.”‘
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Does Jindal know anything about what Katrina did?
Q: Real fast, Governor, the price of oil went up five bucks a barrel today. You’ve been drilling off the coast of Louisiana for a number of years. Any oil spills to worry about?
JINDAL: You know, that’s one of the great unwritten success stories, after Katrina and Rita, these awful storms, no major spills.
Therw were HUGE spills, including the huge oil storage tank that covered Chalmette in black gunk. If Rhodes scholar Bobby was thinking more about governing the state and less about running for vice-president, he might not make such huge gaffes.
And then there's the pay-raise issue. Somebody show me where to sign the recall.
UPDATE: Jindal won the bronze for Worst Person in the World last night. "Can he even spell Louisiana?"
And the flip-flop veto of the pay raise. --- Are the adults in charge in BR?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Except McCain can't remember what he said here.
2theadvocate.com: Jindal: McCain, Bush visits give La. a forum
Remind me. Whose birthday were they celebrating in Phoenix the day Katrina hit?
Well said.
2theadvocate.com | News | Breaux endorses Cazayoux — Baton Rouge, LA
“If you keep electing extreme partisan people to Congress, Congress will continue to be extremely partisan.”
Not gonna happen . . .
2theadvocate.com | News | Jindal could be possible VP candidate — Baton Rouge, LA
Jindal could be possible VP candidate
But it would be in line with Jindal's career. Never finishes the job.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sign petition here.
MoveOn.org Political Action: Senator McCain, reject Hagee
"John Hagee continues to blame the people of New Orleans for the catastrophe of Katrina. Senator McCain: If you reject intolerance and bigotry, stop seeking the political support of John Hagee and other hate-mongers."
Friday, April 18, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
He did not have sex with those women.
The Raw Story | Senator Vitter wont testify in sex case
Sen. David Vitter will not have to testify about his ties to an upscale Washington escort service, a defense attorney said Monday, sparing the Louisiana Republican an embarrassing trip to the witness stand.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Where have I heard that phrase before?
Executive privilege? Governors have executive privilege? News to me.
Jindal move riles retired generals: NOLA.com
BATON ROUGE -- The Louisiana National Guard is suffering from low morale, leadership problems and nepotism, according to a group of retired generals appointed by Gov. Bobby Jindal to review the military department's operations.
The governor's office, however, has dismissed some of the suggestions made by the generals and has refused to release the report, citing executive privilege.
. . . . . .
"I'm actually mystified," Ross said. "I thought Bobby Jindal was smarter than this."
Birds of a feather? Really?
TheHill.com - Craig offers support to Vitter
Embattled Louisiana Sen. David Vitter (R) is getting support from fellow Republicans who say he should not resign over a public sex scandal — including from someone who can speak from experience.
Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho was among several GOP senators who say Vitter’s testimony in the “D.C. Madam” prostitution case should not compel his resignation.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
Brave sir Robin ran away. . .
The Ascension Citizen
Vitter driver wrecks into sign after Gonzales forum
- Breaking NewsA car carrying U.S. Sen. David Vitter ran into a No Parking sign in the Gonzales Police Department parking lot Monday morning as the senator was attempting to evade members of the media, including the Gonzales Weekly Citizen, following a Town Hall forum event at Gonzales City Hall.
Update: Actually, in the video, it looks like Vitter was driving.
6th District now "competitive."
2theadvocate.com: Democrats, Republicans vie for 6th Congressional District —
Democrats are “cautiously optimistic” once again in Louisiana’s 6th Congressional District, a seat that has been held by Republicans for 32 years.
“I think the 6th District will be a toss-up and very competitive race that Republicans can’t count on winning,” said Charlie Cook, a Shreveport native and publisher of The Cook Political Report in Washington.
Grab the popcorn; this will be choice.

2theadvocate.com | Sen. Vitter on witness list in prostitution case —
WASHINGTON (AP) — Louisiana Sen. David Vitter may be called to testify in the upcoming trial of a woman accused of running a high-end Washington prostitution ring.
Defense attorneys listed the Republican senator among potential witnesses Monday as jury selection began in the case against Deborah Palfrey. Vitter has acknowledged being involved with the escort service. But after issuing brief statements apologizing for what he called “a very serious sin,” he has ducked follow-up questions.
On the witness stand, he would not have had that luxury.
Randall Tobias, a former senior State Department official, is also on Palfrey’s witness list. Military strategist Harlan Ullman, who is known for developing the “shock and awe” warfare strategy, is on the government’s witness list.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
More good news for Louisiana teachers.
2theadvocate.com | : Author denies bill lets creationism slip into schools
The chairman of the Senate education committee is sponsoring a bill to revamp the way science is taught in public schools, including views that challenge biological evolution.
Sen. Ben Nevers, D-Bogalusa and sponsor of the bill, said Monday that it would be unfair to label his bill as one that would pave the way for the teaching of creationism — the view that life began about 6,000 years ago in a process described in the Bible’s Book of Genesis.
“I believe that students should be exposed to both sides of scientific data and allow them to make their own decisions,” Nevers said Monday.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Novak: Jindal for VP
The latest possible Republican vice presidential prospect pushed by Washington-based conservative activists is newly elected Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, fresh from a triumphant six-day special session of the state legislature. In Baton Rouge, Jindal won approval of several tax cuts and funding for transportation, hurricane protection and higher education. He was elected last October in a landslide.
Jindal, the son of immigrants from India and a Catholic convert, is at 36 the nation's youngest governor. He has been praised by conservative activists, including Rush Limbaugh and Grover Norquist. The major argument against him for vice president is that he should not be taken from Louisiana so soon after assuming office."
Whoosh! Goin' up that elevator pretty quick.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Our three trillion dollar handshake. With Ahmadinejad.
Truthdig - Reports - ‘Great Satan’ Gets Struck Out
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki pronounced his talks with fellow Shiite Ahmadinejad “friendly, positive and full of trust.” Video of Talabani, who asked that Ahmadinejad call him “Uncle Jalal” after holding hands and exchanging kisses with the Iranian president, was broadcast throughout the region.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
More administration mistakes, re: Katrina
So what's a few cancer deaths?
Talking Points Memo | CDC official: We reacted too slowly to concerns over formaldehyde in FEMA trailers
"This is a little too late," Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., told Deputy FEMA Administrator Harvey Johnson Jr. during Tuesday's hearing.
Brother Basil and Sister Emerentia get their wish?
Jindal may back tuition tax breaks- NOLA.com
BATON ROUGE -- In a move certain to spark a philosophical debate over spending on public education, Gov. Bobby Jindal will ask lawmakers to consider tax breaks for families that pay private school tuition, according to a state senator who has championed such benefits in recent years. Sen. Rob Marionneaux, D-Livonia, said Monday that Jindal has committed to include tuition tax credits in the call for a special session expected to begin Sunday. The governor is scheduled to unveil his agenda this morning.
Meanwhile, the public school system will shrink to the point that it can be drowned in a bathtub. Absolutely predictable.
Friday, February 29, 2008
FOXNews.com - Transcript: President Bush's White House Press Conference
My judgment happens to be the will of the people,
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Gonna buy all my books at B&N now.
Barnes & Noble chair commits $20 million for housing in New Orleans - International Herald Tribune
Barnes & Noble chair commits $20 million for housing in New Orleans
UN officials on administration neglect of black population of NO
U.N. accuses U.S., city of denying minorities right to return - In Your Own Words - NOLA.com
U.N. accuses U.S., city of denying minorities right to return
A hard-hitting report.
But check out the racist comments from some less-than-enlightened readers -- see, for exampse the comment by "shay57." Undoubtedly an admirer of Leander Perez.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Involuntary Demolition. St. Bernard Parish, LA
Lots of these signs around Chalmette. This one was posted on the 15th of February. It gives ten days to appeal.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Lou Dobbs notices the Trans-Texas Corridor boondoggle.
As Senators Clinton and Obama prepared to debate in their state, Texans were marching in protest over the NAFTA superhighway known as the Trans-Texas Corridor, or I-69, the primary purpose of which is to speed the delivery of goods coming in from Mexico to proposed inland ports.
The TTC is planned to span the state of Texas from Laredo, on the Mexican border, to Texarkana, on the border with Arkansas, to continue north to Canada. The projected cost is $183 billion over fifty years, with no American companies expressing interest in financing it.
Dobbs has a good video on this site.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Why does the hiring freeze damage colleges and universities the most?
NYT finally notices giant Texas boondoggle. It's about time.
Texans have gotten the message, swamping hearings and town meetings across the state to grill and often excoriate agency officials about a colossal traffic makeover known as the Trans-Texas Corridor, a public-private partnership unrivaled in the state’s — or probably any state’s — history, that would stretch well into the century and, if completed in full, end up costing around $200 billion.
The effects of this incredible plan will be to slice Texas up into segments, cut minor roads and highways into pieces, force travelers to eat, sleep and rest at privately owned monopolies, destroy farmland by the millions of acres, turn the whole transportation system over to private enterprise, and shift cargoes from California to Mexico. And it's coming to a state near you. In fact, it's coming to your state. There's a national plan to ship cargo from ports on the west coast of Mexico, through Texas to St. Louis, where a massive customs facility will inspect and approve cargo. Most of it will be carried by trucks using Mexican drivers -- a neat trick to destroy the Teamsters Union and the Longshoreman's Unions at the same time. This has been in the works for years, but this is the first time a national outlet has seen fit to take notice. Rural Texans, of course, have been trying to draw attention to this for years, too, but no one seems very interested. Has anyone asked any of the candidates their positions on the project?
Forget the UN, we're all going to be ruled by NAFTA ----
P.S. Check where Crawford is in relation to the Texas master plan for the full Trans-Texas Corridor. Yep. George is bound to get a piece of this.
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