Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Americans want to see New Orleans rebuilt, willing to pay more taxes.

WASHINGTON - Americans say rebuilding New Orleans is more important to them than cutting taxes or changing
Social Security, a poll found. Cutting taxes and changing Social Security were both priorities of the Bush administration before the storm.

Almost two-thirds, 63 percent, said rebuilding the city devastated by Hurricane Katrina is more important to them than changing Social Security, and almost three-fourths, 73 percent, said rebuilding the flooded city is more important to them than cutting taxes, according to a CBS-New York Times poll released Wednesday.

A large majority of Americans, 73 percent, said they think their taxes will increase as a result of Katrina. More than half of those polled said they were willing to pay more taxes to help with Katrina recovery, job training and housing for victims.

Take that, Dennis Hastert!

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