Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Before Katrina, Why did Bush issue orders to FEMA only for NORTH Louisiana?

Picking up on a thought bouncing around back at TMW after a Chris Floyd post, I thought I'd find out for myself exactly which Louisiana parishes were and were not included in George W. Bush's declaration of emergency effective August 26th, which you can also reach by clicking the map itself.

I checked the parish map against the White House's own press release, posted on their own site. I have tried to figure out how this is my own mistake, but I can't find it. And the results are frankly so bizarre I had to make the graphic in order to properly show you.

Welcome to upside-down-land: the areas at risk for Katrina were quite remarkably the areas not included in Bush's declaration of emergency.

Bob Harris has the graphic here. It shows that the order was issued mostly for North Louisiana. Incompetence? Or is a sinister plan at work here?

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